Ja tässä sitten lopputulos:
En siis ole nähnyt Merry Midnightia livenä joten en tiedä onko tämä lähellekään oikeaa, mutta pidän tästä kyllä paljon. Voi olla että alkuperäinen MM lisätään kuitenkin ostoslistalle jo vertailunkin vuoksi ja koska tuo Designer Series Royal on vähän turhan kallis raaka-aine frankenlakkoihin käytettäväksi :-)
Kun touhusin työpöytäni ääressä, sattui mp3-soittimestani tulemaan tämä George Bensonin ihana biisi joka saa minut aina hyvälle tuulelle. Siitä tuli sopivasti myös nimi lakalleni :-)
I have seen many pictures of OPI Merry Midnight in several blogs, and there is something about that polish that attracts me, but not enough to order it (yet). The H&M polish I showed you in my last post, made me think about Merry Midnight and I decided to try to make my own frankenpolish of it. I created my version by using these: purple base from H&M Goddes On Stage, flakes from Depend #156 and tiny blue particles from OPI DS Royal.
I haven't seen Merry Midnight in person so I don't know if my franken is anywhere close to the real one, but I like the outcome very much. However I think I'll have to add MM to my shopping list because I want to compare it to my franken and because OPI DS is a little bit too expensive raw material to be used in frankening :-)
When I was hustling at my desk and frankening, this lovely song from George Benson started to play in my mp3-player. It always cheers me up and this time it also gave the name to my franken :-)
This is a great franken :D
VastaaPoistaThanks rijaH, as all dark purples it looks so much better in real life than in pictures :-)
VastaaPoistaYeah its really hard to capture those :)
VastaaPoistaVery pretty combination.
VastaaPoistaThanks Gebja. I'm waiting for sunny days, so I could see this one in good lightning.