Paketissa oli neljät eri malliset tekokynnet, kahdet perusranskalaiset So Natural-mallia ja kahdet koristellut Runway Designs-mallia. Ensimmäiseksi päätin kokeilla So Natural-mallia numero 71078, joka on malliltaan klassinen ranskalainen manikyyri ja pituudeltaan lyhyt. Ja lyhyet ne todellakin ovat, omat kynteni juuri ja juuri peittyivät vaikka olinkin lyhentänyt ne minimiinsä. Pituus miellyttää varmasti monia koska nämä eivät mitenkään haittaa arkipäivän elämää, mutta itse olen aavistuksen verran pidempien kynsien ystävä. Kynnet ovat kauniin muotoiset ja hyvän malliset ja löysin helposti sopivat koot. Ilmeisesti tekokynsien liimaamiseen alkaa tulla jo kokemusta edellisten jäljiltä, koska nyt onnistuin liimaamaan 8 kynttä kymmenestä ilman häiritseviä ilmakuplia. Peukaloihin jäi melkoiset ilmakuplat mutta nekin onnistuivat kuitenkin paremmin kuin aikaisemmin. Nämä Nailenen So Natural -kynnet tuntuvat ehkä aavistuksen ohuemmilta kuin Revlonit, joka sekin saattaa vaikuttaa liimaukseen.
Näissä kynsissä olen viihtynyt todella hyvin :-)
Briefly in english:
I got a kind email few weeks ago and I was asked if I would like to try some Nailene products. Well, of course I would, so week ago I received nice package of artificial nails and nail stickers. Because my nails are already short after Revlons, I decided to continue with artificials.
First I tried Nailene So Natural model # 71078, which are classic french manicure. These are really short, they barely cover my own nail even they are filed as short as they can be. I believe many can find this comfortable because short nails do not disturbe any daily routines. I personally prefer a little bit longer nails. The shape of these nails is beautiful and it was easy to me to find suitable sizes. I must have gotten some experience with glue because now I manage to put on 8 nail out of 10 without any notable airbubbles. My thumbs are still the hardest ones, under them I got bigger bubbles but however they succeed better than earlier. Nailene So Natural nails feels maybe a little bit thinner than Revlons I've tried, so maybe that has something to do with it, too.
I really enjoy wearing these nails :-)
Hi-wanted to stop in, I am a new nail blogger so I am going around looking at all of the nail blogs I can find. :)
VastaaPoistaThese nails look really nice on you.. But, I had nails on last week and they damaged my nails SO much, they took layers off of my nails and i am now waiting for them to grow back, they look yucky without polish on them now. :) Oh well, gives me an excuse to paint my nails a lot. hehe!!
Great post!
Hi there, Trisha! I went and looked your blog, it looks good! And I can assure you, your polish collection will grow fast :-)