Green with Envy on todella kaunis, sinertävän vihreä metallinhohtoinen lakka. Jossain valaistuksessa se näyttää enemmän vihreältä, toisessa taas siniseltä. Valokuvaan oli tosi vaikeaa saada sen oikeaa sävyä, se on oikeasti vihreämpi. Kuvassa on 2 kerrosta, aluslakkana Nubarin Nu Nail ja päällyslakkana Nubarin Diamont. Kolmas kerros olisi ollut ehkä tarpeen täydellisen peittävyyden saavuttamiseksi, mutta jätin kahteen koska minulla on tämän varalle jatkosuunnitelmia :-)
I usually purhase all my polishes online, because of cheaper prices and better assortments. And I simply do not like go shopping in big shopping centers. But one can sometimes found something nice also in markets, like this next polish, Rimmel Green With Envy. It is really beautiful, bluish green with metallic shimmer. In some light it looks more green, in other light it looks more blue. It was really hard to get it's real shade in photos, it is more green in real. In these pictures is 2 coats green with Nubar base Nu Nail and Nubar Diamont top coat. It would be better with third coat but I left it this way because I have some plans on my mind for it :-)
That looks so pretty on you. Everytime I see this one posted I'm reminded of what a fantastic shade it is :)
VastaaPoistagreat color! love it!
VastaaPoistait's a confesion: I never purchased nail polish online... technical problems with that... but I love finding specials in stores' shopping is fun!
Thanks! I have had this on my nails almost a week, it's so lovely color :-)