Heippa pitkästä aikaa! Kevät ja alkukesä on ollut mitä kiireisintä aikaa, sekä työni sesonkiluonteen että työpaikalla tapahtuneiden organisaatiomuutosten takia. Mutta nyt alkaa pikkuhiljaa helpottaa, joten tässä pientä tilannetiedotusta. Ihan hiljaista ei kynsien puolella ole ollut kuitenkaan :-)
Olen silloin tällöin seuraillut jenkkiläistä kynsifoorumia
MakeupAlley:ssä ja siellä rohkaistuin kokeilemaan kynsilakkavaihtokauppoja eli "swappaamista". Olenkin saanut vastaanottaa seuraavia mukavia paketteja ihanilta ihmisiltä sekä Euroopasta että USA:sta:
Swap from TheCaptain: thanks again, if you ever happen to read this. Your package was the first swap I received and I was so thrilled. And I still am :-)
Swaps from janiimal, she was so nice and patient when the shipping of my package took forever. She also writes on her own blog, you can check it out here.
Then a swap from tjoyu, look at that cute little Icing minipolish :-) You can read her blog from here:
Swap from Kesha, I love love those Essence glitters!! You can find Kesha's blog here, please take a look!
And last but not least, a swap from Coloruza. And a cutest ever minipolish there too, I just adore minis!! And I found out that she has her own blog too, you'll find it here.Ankaran ja ahkeran kevään työrupeaman jälkeen palkitsin itseni tilaamalla
LooksDesignista muutamia Nubarin lakkoja, sekä uusista kokoelmista että joitakin vanhempia sävyjä joista olen pitkään haaveillut:
Hello all, long time no seen! I have had an exhausting and busiest ever springtime, because of the seasonal nature of my work, and mostly because of some serious reorganizations in my department. But now things are slowing down a bit so I have some time to do little briefing. There has been something going on all the time with my nails too :-)I've been lurking every now and then on Nail Board at MakeupAlley and decided to try swapping. We have very limited variety of nail polishes here in Finland, and the prices are high. I have received nice packages from wonderful ladies in Europe and USA. I also rewarded myself and bought some new Nubar polishes :-)The bowl of polish :-)
Kulhollinen lakkaa :-)